Saturday, 5 September 2015

Training/Saturday's game

Training will be on from 4-6 on Friday
Saturday's game will be against Ardeer at the Grange at 9.15

Bag Pack

I am delighted to announce that the boys raised a GRAND total of £1025 today
The boys were tremendous and their manners and behaviour was exemplary and was commented on various occasions by the public.Well done boys,I hope you're the same in Spain!
Can I also thank all the parents who helped to supervise and especially to Lee Shanks and Shirley Calder who covered almost the full day.

Sportsmans Dinner

Our next fundraiser is on Saturday November 21st which is the Sportsmans Dinner(men only😃)
Tickets will be £30 and are available now so can you let me know how many you want before they go on sale to the General public.As I have said before these fundraisers are for all of our benefits so please make the effort to get involved.
We are also planning a Race Night which we hope to go ahead in early February

Monday, 31 August 2015

Bag pack -Morrisons Sat 5th Sept

Hi folks as you know we are doing a bag pack on Saturday in Morrisons supermarket,this is to help us raise funds for our trip to Spain next year,we are going to do it in 2 slots so the boys are going to do a maximum of 3 hours each,they will be allowed a break in between for a drink and a snack,we will try and stagger this so they are not all away at the same time.You will see below what time your son is allocated .Can the boys all wear their full red and black kit please.Remember we also need parents to help as well please

9.45-1.00 pm.                                    12.45 - 4.00
Callum Speirs                         Cameron Shanks
Luke Bolton.                           Ryan Calder
Ritchie Dunlop.                      Sam Duncan
Charlie Farrell.                       Thomas Gavin
Lewis Barnie                          Andrew McClymont
Liam Marshall.                       Ronnie Cassells
Aaron Fairbairn.                     Adam Wilson
Cameron Cairns.                    Ryan Banks
Charlie Mccarthur
Alfie Mccfarlane
Jack Duncan

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Stevie Farrell

Well done to Stevie who has just been appointed assistant manager of Dumbarton FC.

Ian McCfarlane

Thanks to Ian who gave us a great donation to help buy the coaches new gear,much appreciated

Barcelona trip

I am still waiting for the dates to be confirmed for next year,as soon as I hear anything I will keep you informed.

Training Friday /Saturday/Sunday

Training will be on from 4-6 on Friday
On Saturday we visit Ardeer,meet up time is 9.15 at Ardeer Juniors Stadium ,there will be a canteen open and the Stand will also be open.New strips have to be worn.
On Sunday we are at the Galston tournement ,meet up time is 1.30 and we won't be finished till 5.30.Red and Black strips

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Rozelle Tournement

Hi folks,can we meet at 1.30 on Saturday at Rozelle ,our first game is at 2.30 but we will try and get there early  and set up a meeting point .On Sunday we will meet at 8.45 ,first game is at 9.30
Can both teams wear our new strip on Saturday and Red and Black on Sunday but bring both strips on both days in case we need to change.I'm just leaving it in the hands of the parents to provide drinks and snacks for their own boys.Over the course of the weekend I would like if possible to speak to all the parents about the Spain trip.


Training is on from 4-6 on Friday

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Spain 2016

Just a wee update,Date of tournement not confirmed until next week but I'm hoping it is the last weekend in May,if this is the case this is my thinking

Fri 27th May 7.25 Glasgow -Reus followed by 1 and half to 2 hour bus journey to Santa Susanna-arrive at Hotel 2.30pm
Sat 28th May.  Tournement
Sun 29th May.  Tournement
Mon 30th May Trip to Barcelona and the Nou Camp
Tues 31st May. 12.15 Barcelona El Prat-Glasgow

Trip would cost £450 per person,boy and one parent paid by club,Friday and Monday are school holidays so it would require an additional day of school and 3 days off work for the Parents.Hopefully in the next 2 weeks we will be able to confirm if this trip will be achievable .Can I have some feedback please over the next week with any positive or negative thoughts,cheers James

Rozelle tournement

All the fixtures are on this website.
Go down the left hand side till you see PDF7a side fixtures
Bonnyton 1 -Adam Wilsons team
Bonnyton 2 -Cameron Shanks team

Friday, 15 May 2015

Cameron and Louisa

Cameron Strawhorn has decided to move on and concentrate on other things,he was a terrific player for us in defence and will be sorely missed.
Louisa has also decided to call it a day.Louisa has been here since day one of Bonnyton 2004s and without her the club would not be in the position we are in now.It was Louisa who encouraged us all to build up the club funds in order for us to take the boys to a summer Tournement and hopefully all her hard work will give us the opportunity to do that.
We wish them all the best in the future.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Rozelle tournement

As you know we are at the Rozelle Tournement on May 23/24
It is now confirmed that we be playing on Saturday afternoon ,meet up time 1.30 finish 5.30 and Sunday Morning meet up time is 8.45(yes I know that's early!) finish at 12.30-1.00
I will put fixtures up later in the week,we will play 3 fixtures on Saturday and 3 on Sunday
I think it would be a great idea if we could get a few Gazebos to give us a bit of shelter from the Sun and also for a meeting place,would anyone be able to help?
I can also confirm that the Galston Tournement is on the Sunday afternoon of June 7th,meet up time 1.15pm
More information about strips etc will follow

Spain update

Hi Folks,just a wee update about the Barcelona Tournement.Jet 2 flights are out but the flights to Barcelona are going out on a Thursday and returning on a Tuesday which is going to be too long and too expensive,there are flights to Reus going on a Friday and returning on a Monday which would be great but Reus to Santa Susanna is 110 miles away! The only other option I think at the moment is Ryanair but their flights are not out yet so we will sit tight and see what happens.

Training/Saturday's game

Training will be on from 4-6 on Friday
We are playing Stewarton on Saturday at 12 noon at the new Stewarton Sports centre,can you please let me know ASAP if your son is Unavailable please

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Training/No game

Hi folks Training is on from 4-6 on Friday
We have no game on Saturday due to our opponents being involved in a tournement,we are at home next Saturday against KSC Sonics and Tigers
Can I just remind you that we have the Rozelle Tournement coming up on the23/24 May and we also have the Galston Tournement on the 6 or 7June.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Callum and Elaine

Callum and Elaine would like to thank everyone for their leaving cards,tennis balls and flowers and wish us all the best in the future.

Training/Saturday's game

Training is on between 4-6 on Friday
On Saturday we are playing Galston at the Grange,can the boys be there for 9.15 please,Red and Black strips

Friday, 17 April 2015

Flights to Barcelona

I spoke to Jet 2 last night and they have told me that the flights for next year will be released in the next few days,could you all please text me the amount of seats you require on the plane,this will allow me to get a quote and hopefully book within the next week or so,cheers

Callum Semple

Callum has left the club today to concentrate on his Tennis.We are very sad to see him go as he was a smashing boy and a great talent as well,he  was nicknamed Boris(Becker)by Stevie after he found out he was into his tennis and took the banter dished out with a smile on his face.We wish him all the best in the future.
Can I also say a big Thank you to his Mum Elaine,she has been a great help throughout the years and your hard work will also be missed.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Training/Saturday's game

Training is on from 4-6 on Friday.
We are away to Tass Thistle on Saturday.Can the boys be at St Mathews Academy in Saltcoats for 9am for a 9.15 kick off please.Red and Black strips please

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Passport details

We are hoping to book flights to Spain as soon as we have confirmation of the dates of the tournement so I need passport details in as soon as possible for the people wishing to go.

Easter weekend

We have no game arranged for the Easter weekend but will be training as normal next Friday

New Strips

The boys will be issued with their new strips tomorrow at training,new socks will also be issued to the boys who requested them.It may be a good idea if the boys bring their Bonnyton holdall with them so the kit gets home safely.

Training Friday/Saturday

Training will be on from 4-6 on Friday

We were due to play Largs on Saturday however they cannot fulfill the fixture therefore the boys will play against each other at the Grange on Saturday.Can the boys please be there for 9.15 ,we should be finished for 10.30. Can the boys wear their white strips please.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Sponsor money and Extra £10

Can anyone who has not handed in their sponsor sheet and money tomorrow please at the end of training.
Can anyone who has still to pay the extra £10 for March please do tomorrow at the end of training please.

Saturday's game

We are playing Troon and Dreghorn this Saturday at Struthers Primary School with an 11.15 ko.Can boys be there for 11am please.It is a grass pitch and we are in our Red and Black strip

Training Friday

Training will be on from 4-6 on Friday

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Barcelona Tournement

Going to this tournement is going to hinge on the availability and price of the flights.We want to book these flights as soon as they become available so I'm going to need a list of everyone who is planning on going with their Date of Birth and passport number.Can you write down your information on a piece of paper or email your details to me.Im hoping that the tournement will be held on the last weekend of May 2016 as the schools are off on the Friday and Monday but won't know for definite for another few weeks.

Code of Conduct

We really appreciate the parents coming to the games to cheer on the boys,however we would ask that they do not get involved with the parents/coaches of the opposing team.We want to be known as a great team with a great group of parents who support and encourage both sides.

Dates for the Diary

A few dates for the Diary for our fundraising

Quiz night -June ,date not confirmed yet
Race night -End of August hopefully
Bag Pack -Morrisons 5th September
Sportsmans Dinner -21st November

Away strip

Can you please let me know ASAP which size you require for the new away strip,we hope these strips will last us till Summer 16 so please allow plenty of room

Extra £10,Standing Order Mandate

If you have not given Lee or myself the Extra £10 for March could you please bring it on Friday .if you didn't get a Standing order Mandate last weekend can you let me know and I will give you one on Friday,the extra £10 will go into a separate account from the normal monthly payment.

Sponsor Money

Can everyone please bring any outstanding Sponsor money and sheets to training on Friday please

Training Saturday's game

Training will be on from 4-6 on Friday
We are playing Ardeer On Saturday at the Grange with a 9.30ko,can all boys be there for NO LATER than 9.15 for a warm up,Red and Black strips

Thursday, 5 March 2015

March Fixtures

Sat March 7th.  Winlinton /KSC Thunder.           Kilwinning sports Club.   9.15
Sat March 14th. Ardeer.                                        Grange Academy.            9.15
Sat March 21st.  Dreghorn/Troon.                         TBA.                               TBA
Sat March 28th. Largs.                                          Grange Academy.            9.15

Wednesday, 4 March 2015


We are looking for a sponsor for the coaches jackets/sweatshirts,for £200 they will get their name on the back of them and will be seen all over Ayrshire.If anyone is interested or knows of someone can they please get in contact with me please.
We are hoping to have the new strips before Easter and socks for those who asked at the end of next week

Bonnyton fun run

Well done to all the boys and Adam Barnie who took part in the sponsored fun run at the Athletics Arena last Sunday,can you please hand in the forms and money as soon as you can please.
This money is not for our age group,it is for Bonnyton Football Club as a whole to help raise money for a new facility at Townholm.

Extra monthly payment

Hi Folks,can parents please bring an extra £10 this Friday as discussed,this will go directly into OUR Fundraising account for Spain,Lee will be giving out Standing order mandates soon for the extra monthly payment in time for April 1st.

Training/Saturday's game

Training will be on from 4-6 on Friday
We are playing Winlinton/KSC Thunder at Kilwinning Sports Club with a 9.30 ko,can all boys be there for 9.15 for a warm up please.Red and Black strips

Friday, 27 February 2015

Hidden Team

Thank you to all who bought one of our hidden teams,the winner scratched off by Coach Keith Speirs was Newcastle picked by Kidz Play .They will have their name displayed on our new away strip which has been bought with the money raised from the hidden team. Thanks again to

Gold Consultancy
Complete Decor
Luke the Butcher
Stuart Docherty Roofing
Kidz Play
Plant Finder
Ross Steele Motor Services
The Plaice to be(Beansburn)
Grant Butler Joinery
Ian Mcfarlane plumbing and heating
Active Office
Davie Mccdonell
Handling Hair
Rab Robb
Robbie Muirhead
Sharp Installations
Fortress Security
Pollock Williamson
Alec Greig
Ralston the Painter
JP Roofing
Keith Robertson physiotherapist
Merlo UK
Gary Greig Entertainment
Martin and White Joiners(Wood Technicians)
Jocky Banks
Quest Farm Supplies

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Training/Game on Saturday

Training is on from 4-6 on Friday

We are playing in a mini tournement on Saturday at Galston(grass pitches) ,can all boys be there for 10.45 for a 11am Kick off.Red and Black strips to be worn.
We are playing Galston ,Coylton and Maybole and should be finished for 1pm

Friday, 20 February 2015

Hidden Team

The Hidden Team has now all been sold,thank you to everyone who has contributed,we will do the scratch off next Friday after training providing we have all the money collected,thanks again

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Fundraising committee /Spain Trip

We have had a very positive response regarding the tournement in Spain next year,we now need a few people to help organise events and also to assist with the booking of the trip.If any of the parents would like to get involved it would be very much appreciated,can you let me know if you are willing to help or if you can attend a meeting tomorrow afternoon at 5pm whilst the boys are training .
We are hoping to set up the extra £10 a month from March 1st into a separate account solely for fundraising for the trip.
Can all parents give me an indication how many of their family intend to make the trip.
                      Thanks James

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Training/Mill United

Training will be on from 4-6 on Friday
We have a game on Saturday against Mill United from Hamilton at the Grange with a 9.30 ko,can the boys be there for 9.15 please,we will play in our White strips

Monday, 9 February 2015

Hidden Team

As you can see half of the teams have gone,we have 20 more to sell,could Lee Shanks and Keith Speirs please let me know what teams they would like please.Can everyone else try and sell one.The money raised from this will be used for new strips and coaches gear

Barcelona tournement 2016

As discussed at our meeting on Friday it is our intention to take the boys to the Barcelona Tournament in May 2016.
The trip may involve the boys/parents being off school/work for a couple of days,as yet the dates are not confirmed but it normally falls in with our May weekend where the schools are off on the Monday.
In a perfect world we would fly out early on the Thursday and return late afternoon on the Monday .The cost of the accommodation would be at this years prices 274 euros(£210 at today's rate) plus flights which I would hope to pay no more than an average of £140 per person,this would give us a total of £350 per person.It would be my intention to pay for a parent and child out of the club funds.
At the moment we are sitting with a pretty decent amount in the bank account but I reckon we will need to raise the guts of £9000.I know that this seems like a lot of money but if we all pull our weight I'm sure we can achieve our target.
Ideas already muted are to
1- Increase the subs by £10 a month from March,revenue from this would give us £3150 straight away
2- Race Night,last years race night raised over £1400, with a little extra effort I'm sure we could make that to £2000
3- Sportsmans Dinner-I would hope to raise £1500-£2000 at this event
4 -Bag packing- if we could organise one of these in April /May time and it went well,I'm sure that we could organise another one in the next year,Targets £1000 for each one maybe?

I'm sure there are many other ideas out there and if we all give 100% we can make this happen.

If I could have your feedback over the next few days positive or negative it would be appreciated.If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
If we have a favourable response I will be looking for some volunteers who can assist me to make it happen,thanks,James

Training /Saturday's game

Training this Friday will be from 4-6pm.
On Saturday we are playing Crosshouse 2005s and Tass Thistle 2004s at Lindsay Park,Crosshouse,we will be kicking off at 9.30 .Can the boys be there for NO LATER than 9.15 please,Red and Black strips,we should be finished by 11am

Thursday, 5 February 2015


Can parents attend a quick meeting/discussion re Spain tomorrow at 5pm

Training /Saturday's game

Training is on from 4-5 on Friday
We should have a friendly on Saturday at the Grange,will confirm after training

Friday, 30 January 2015

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Hidden team

As you may know we are trying to raise funds to buy the kids a new away strip to replace the
white one,we are selling a hidden team with a cost of £20 a team and the winner will have their
company name on the new strips.If you know of any business that would like to buy a hidden
team can you please contact me,thanks

Scotland Cup

We will be entering 2 teams into the Scotland Cup or the Rozelle Touurnement as it is otherwise known.The competition will take place on the Weekend of 22nd-25th May.
As you now we had plans to take the boys to Southport for a tournement in May but we have decided to look further afield.
I have been looking at a competition in Santa Susanna ,Spain in May 2016 which would require a lot of fundraising between now and next May and would like to get everyone's thoughts on the idea.
Can I have a parent of each child attend training tomorrow at 4.45 to discuss this.If we are in agreement and we decide to go ahead with this I would like to form a small committee to help raise funds and assist with booking flights etc.If you cannot make it tomorrow can you please let me know,thanks

Training/Saturday's game

Training will be on from 4-5pm on Friday.
We have a friendly arranged on Saturday morning against Maybole and Coylton at the Grange with a 9.30 ko.Can the boys please be there for NO LATER than 9.15 for a warm up.Red and Black strips.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Training/Game on Saturday

Training will be on from 4-5pm on Friday
We have a friendly against Irvine Vics on Saturday with a 9.30ko,can all boys be at the Grange for 9.15 for a warm up please.
We have friendlies pencilled in for the 31st January and the 7th February both at the Grange with 9.30 kick offs

Thursday, 15 January 2015


Training will be on this Friday from 4-5

Hidden team

Hi folks,I'm looking for small businesses to help raise funds for Bonnyton Thistle 2004s and also give you the chance to get some cheap advertising for your business,I am selling a hidden team and each entry will cost £20 and the winner will get their company name and logo on the new away strip or on the coaches tracksuit/jumper.if you feel generous you can buy more than one team to increase your chances of winning.The hidden team cards will be constantly updated to view on

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Training/Saturdays game

Hi folks,training will be on this Friday from 4-5,we also have a friendly on Saturday at the Grange against Irvine Vics with a 9.30ko,can boys please be there for 9.15 with Red and Black strips please.