Hi folks as you know we are doing a bag pack on Saturday in Morrisons supermarket,this is to help us raise funds for our trip to Spain next year,we are going to do it in 2 slots so the boys are going to do a maximum of 3 hours each,they will be allowed a break in between for a drink and a snack,we will try and stagger this so they are not all away at the same time.You will see below what time your son is allocated .Can the boys all wear their full red and black kit please.Remember we also need parents to help as well please
9.45-1.00 pm. 12.45 - 4.00
Callum Speirs Cameron Shanks
Luke Bolton. Ryan Calder
Ritchie Dunlop. Sam Duncan
Charlie Farrell. Thomas Gavin
Lewis Barnie Andrew McClymont
Liam Marshall. Ronnie Cassells
Aaron Fairbairn. Adam Wilson
Cameron Cairns. Ryan Banks
Charlie Mccarthur
Alfie Mccfarlane
Jack Duncan