Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Kilwinning tourney

The tournament will take place at the Kilwinning Sports Club on Saturday,can all the boys wear there Red and Black Strips but also bring their white tops as well.The games will be on AstroTurf  and grass .The competition is a bit drawn out with our first game at 10.25 and our last game at 3.25 with a total of 5 games altogether,could the boys bring enough food and drink and suitable clothing to get them through the day.Can the parents make sure the boys are there for 9.45 please.

At the moment we are struggling for 2 teams and a sub so can you let me know if your circumstances have changed and check the list below.

Players going to Kilwinning are

Andrew McClymont                  Callum Speirs
Charlie McCarthur.                    Cameron Cairns
Ryan Banks.                               Charlie Farrell
Adam Wilson.                            Cameron Shanks
Ronnie Cassells.                         Ryan Calder
Alfie McCfarlane.                      Luke Bolton
Liam Marshall.          

Not Sure

Thomas Gavin.                           Lewis Barnie
Cameron Strawhorn.                  Ritchie Dunlop

Not going

Callum Semple.                         Sam Duncan
                                                   Aaron Fairbairn
                                                   Jack Duncan

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